Maria DeFranco, Artist and Architect

Born in Cleveland, Ohio

Studied at Philadelphia College of Art (PCA)

Majored in Sculpture at PCA, studied under Raphael Ferrar

Majored in Environmental Design

Graduated with a Bachelor of Art in Environmental Design

Studied Architecture at Southern California Institute of Architecture

Graduated with a Bachelor of Art in Architecture

Licensed as an Architect in New York State.

Practiced Architecture 45 years, light commercial and residential

See for Architectural portfolio

Woodstock School of Art. Studied figurative Clay Sculpture under Tricia Cline

Practiced at Barraco Clay Studio, San Miguel de Allende


1971-1976 Group student shows in Philadelphia

2007 Group Show Catskill Art Supply

2009 Woodstock Artists Association and Museum  juried Group Show (WAAM)

Displayed “Centering”

2016 Art Society of Kingston (ASK) Juried Show Displayed “The Book Man”